oshi-core 6.7.1-SNAPSHOT API

[oshi-core API] Provides a cross-platform implementation to retrieve Operating System and Hardware Information, such as OS version, memory, CPU, disk, devices, sensors, etc.
Provides useful annotation for oshi project.
Provides annotations to document thread safety
Provides functions to query Linux information
Provides functions to query statistics in the Linux /proc pseudo-filesystem
Provides functions to query Mac info
Provides functions to query Mac disk info
Provides functions to query Mac network info
Provides functions to query information common to all unix systems
Provides functions to query information on AIX
Provides functions to query information on AIX using the libperfstat api
Provides functions to query FreeBSD information
Provides functions to query FreeBSD disk information
Provides functions to query OpenBSD information
Provides functions to query Solaris information
Provides functions to query Solaris disk information
Provides functions to query Solaris kstat information
Provides functions to query information in windows
Provides functions to query counters in windows performance monitor (or WMI counter tables)
Provides functions to query data in Windows Registry
Provides functions to query properties in WMI classes
[oshi-core API] Provides cross-platform implementation to retrieve hardware information such as CPU, Memory, Display, Disks, Network Interfaces, Power Sources, Sensors, and USB Devices
Provides abstract classes for common code
Provides information about hardware such as Memory, Power Sources, and Processor on Linux systems
Provides information about hardware such as Memory, Power Sources, and Processor on Mac systems
Provides mappings for Unix-based operating systems
Provides information about hardware such as Memory, Power Sources, and Processor on AIX systems
Provides information about hardware such as Memory, Power Sources, and Processor on FreeBSD systems
Provides information about hardware such as Memory, Power Sources, and Processor on OpenBSD systems
Provides information about hardware such as Memory, Power Sources, and Processor on Solaris systems
Provides information about hardware such as Memory, Power Sources, and Processor on Windows systems
Provides wrapper functions to proactively close native memory allocations.
Provides extensions of JNA libraries for Linux.
Provides extensions of JNA libraries for macOS.
Provides extensions of JNA libraries for Unix.
Provides extensions of JNA libraries for Windows.
Provides abstract classes for common code
[oshi-core API] Provides cross-platform implementation to retrieve OS, FileSystem, and Process information
Provides information about Software and OS on Linux
Provides information about Software and OS on macOS
Provides information about Software and OS on AIX
Provides information about Software and OS on FreeBSD
Provides information about Software and OS on OpenBSD
Provides information about Software and OS on Solaris
Provides information about Software and OS on Windows
Provides utilities for parsing, formatting, and other access
Provides utilities for Linux
Provides utilities for macOS.
Provides utilities for FreeBSD
Provides utilities for OpenBSD
Provides utilities for Solaris
Provides utilities for Windows.
Provides classes encapsulating multiple objects, intended as return types from methods